
Additional Services

Just a few services that might just allow you the support your business needs to shine…

SEO Advanced Package

Traditional SEO paired with advanced SEO techniques to drive local traffic and increase sales.
(One-Time Payment)

This includes:
SEO Advanced+ Package
Advanced SEO on steroids, designed to rank your website past competition within 30-days.
(One-Time Payment)
This includes:
SEO Premier Package

Max SEO with our SEO Premier Package. Taking your website & business to the next level.
(One-Time Payment)

This includes:

Basic SEO

Basic SEO is included in all website packages at no additional cost to you. It is basic however, meaning you only get 5 general keywords, and basic Google Search Console integration. No bells and whistles… Just the basics.

Why is Advanced SEO better?

Glad you asked! Investing in advanced SEO is essential for any business looking to thrive in the digital age. Advanced SEO techniques significantly enhance your website’s visibility, ensuring it ranks prominently in search engine results and attracts targeted, relevant traffic. This not only drives more visitors to your site but also increases the likelihood of conversions. Additionally, advanced SEO improves the overall user experience through faster load times, mobile optimization, and intuitive navigation, keeping visitors engaged and reducing bounce rates.

Moreover, advanced SEO offers a competitive edge, long-term benefits, and better ROI compared to other marketing strategies. By consistently applying advanced SEO practices, you build a strong online presence and sustainable traffic over time. Websites that rank higher are also perceived as more credible and trustworthy, enhancing your brand’s authority and reputation. In contrast, without SEO, your website risks being overlooked in the vast sea of online content, missing out on valuable traffic and growth opportunities.

Our three advanced SEO packages are tailored to fit your businesses specific needs. Most of the expense goes to cover the operation cost of the implemented systems, meaning that NightWish Media LLC makes very little profit providing this service. That stated, we monitor and update your website regularly to ensure that you’re receiving the benefits or your selected package.

Frequently Asked Questions


At NightWish Media LLC, we understand that the timeline for completing a website build project is subject to a multitude of variables, including factors such as the number of pages, volume of content, and additional features required.

On average, our website build projects are typically completed within a timeframe of approximately 30 days. However, it’s important to note that this duration may vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. For smaller-scale projects with fewer requirements, completion times can be expedited to as little as 2 weeks.

We prioritize efficiency and quality in our project delivery process, ensuring that each client receives a tailored solution that meets their specific needs and objectives. Should you have any inquiries regarding project timelines or wish to discuss your project requirements in greater detail, we encourage you to reach out to our team. We are readily available to provide further assistance and guidance, and we remain committed to delivering exceptional results within a timeframe that aligns with your expectations.


At NightWish Media LLC, our offerings extend far beyond mere website design. We provide a comprehensive suite of services meticulously tailored to address the diverse needs of our clients’ small businesses.

Our extensive array of services includes:

Website Design:
Crafting visually stunning and functional websites to captivate and engage your target audience.

Graphic Design:
Delivering impactful visuals and graphics to fortify your brand identity and messaging.

Branding Design:
Strategically developing brand identities that resonate with your audience and reflect your unique value proposition.

Site Administration:
Providing comprehensive site management solutions to ensure smooth and uninterrupted website operations.

Payment Integration:
Seamlessly integrating secure payment gateways to facilitate hassle-free transactions for your customers.

SEO Development:
Implementing robust Search Engine Optimization strategies to enhance your online visibility and drive organic traffic to your website.

Website Hosting:
Offering reliable hosting solutions to ensure optimal performance and accessibility of your digital assets.

GBP Optimization:
Optimizing your website for Global Business Performance to effectively target and cater to international markets.

Link Building:
Establishing authoritative backlinks to enhance your website’s credibility and search engine rankings.

Lead Generation:
Implementing targeted strategies to attract and nurture qualified leads, fostering business growth and expansion.

Business Coaching:
Providing personalized coaching and guidance to empower small business owners with the tools and knowledge needed to succeed in today’s competitive landscape.

By leveraging our multifaceted expertise across these various domains, NightWish Media LLC endeavors to serve as your trusted partner in realizing your business objectives and aspirations.


At NightWish Media, we provide a variety of payment options to accommodate the preferences of our clients. Upon initiating the onboarding and build process, an initial security deposit is required. Following this, clients have the flexibility to settle payments through three main channels: payment links, invoices, or our secure payment portal.

We accept payments through the following methods:

Debit/Credit Card:
We support major credit and debit cards for swift and convenient transactions.

Clients can opt to utilize CashApp for seamless electronic transfers.

Bank Transfer:
We facilitate bank transfers for those preferring direct bank-to-bank transactions.

ACH Payment:
Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments offer a reliable electronic funds transfer method within the United States.

Wire Transfer:
For international clients or those preferring traditional bank transfers, we accept wire transfers.

We offer the option of Afterpay for convenient installment payments, allowing clients to split the cost over time.

By providing these diverse payment avenues, we aim to ensure a smooth and hassle-free payment experience for our valued clientele.

Client Dashboard

After receipt of your initial security deposit, NightWish Media will promptly send you an email invitation granting access to your dedicated client dashboard portal. This client dashboard portal is seamlessly facilitated through Motion.io, a distinguished platform renowned for its premium client portal and automated workflow capabilities.

Within this client dashboard portal, you will find a structured interface designed to streamline communication and facilitate efficient collaboration. Here, clients are encouraged to submit essential documentation such as the initial onboarding form and pertinent content files. These submissions play a pivotal role in initiating the procurement process, ensuring that purchase orders are promptly and accurately processed.

The utilization of Motion.io’s sophisticated platform underscores our commitment to delivering a seamless and intuitive client experience. By harnessing the capabilities of this esteemed portal, we aim to enhance transparency, optimize workflow efficiency, and ultimately, exceed your expectations in the provision of our services.


At NightWish Media, we extend the opportunity for clients to opt for third-party hosting options at a nominal monthly fee. These hosting solutions are complemented by our site maintenance packages, thereby offering dual benefits at a singular price point. This bundled offering ensures that you receive exceptional value while effectively managing your digital presence.

By choosing our hosting options coupled with site maintenance services, you not only secure reliable hosting infrastructure but also benefit from ongoing support and upkeep for your website. This strategic pairing is designed to optimize efficiency and enhance the overall performance of your online platform.

Rest assured, the value derived from this combined offering remains conveniently accessible in your financial portfolio, ensuring a prudent investment in the sustained success of your digital endeavors.

Need Additional Services?

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